Rob has delivered his Needs Focused course on our Secondary PGCE at the University of Hull for three years now and each year my trainees have no only found him to be inspirational, but they have learnt much about managing the learning environment and young people effectively. Rob’s course is based on the value of building relationships, but trainees can emulate Rob since he models to the highest degree how to behave as a teacher. The course is fun, well-constructed and as the title suggests, very focused on positive strategies.

Dr Anne Bore, University of Hull

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I have been using a number of the strategies in my own teaching and found them to be hugely beneficial. The importance of building a positive relationship cannot be stressed enough . Kindness, patience and gentle words of praise and encouragement that come from the heart really do make a difference. As one student said to me ‘You really care. It makes a difference.’ I am very keen to introduce the Needs-Focused Approach in the college where I work as I feel it is so effective.

James Woodworth

Needs Focused Teaching

Needs-Focused Teaching a very simple, structured approach to preventing, minimizing and successfully managing behaviour problems in the classroom while creating a positive, supportive environment in which students are motivated to participate & learn. Priority is given to connecting with students and maintaining positive staff-student relationships.

Hi Rob, I am hooked--the webinars you offer are fantastic! I'm learning so much and don't want to miss anything. I've been talking to co-workers about your fabulous resources and share what I've learned so I'm hoping they join and get hooked, too. Kids deserve great teachers - you are helping that happen! Thank you

Jill Stocks

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Finally something concrete and applicable in real life – I’ve had enough of the people who have never set their foot in a real classroom but know how everything should be done in theory. Thanks a million. As a fresh teacher, I find this invaluable.


"I’ve been in the educational field for over 40 years and always had great classroom management.

A treat to see and hear someone else give GREAT advise to those who haven’t yet mastered the skills of classroom management."

Sharlene Asendio

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"I’ve instinctively done some of the strategies you suggested but not with the same finesse and thoroughness. Having learned your simple but smart strategies and the planning that comes with them, I can now put more structure to what I do and, hopefully, become more effective. I’ll share this with other teachers."

Leonor Lake