Take Control of the Noisy Class
- From chaos to calm in 15 seconds
Packed with powerful, fast-acting behaviour management strategies for the classroom including a novel routine to get any group quiet in 15 seconds or less.
Take Control of the Noisy Class: From Chaos to Calm in 15 Seconds (Super-effective classroom management strategies for teachers in today's toughest classrooms) by Rob Plevin provides teachers with a highly effective, step-by-step plan for successfully managing challenging groups and students in today's toughest schools.
Drawing on his experience working in both mainstream and special education, teacher-trainer Rob Plevin presents hundreds of proven, practical ideas and interventions to help you connect and succeed with defiant or reluctant learners. Relevant to teachers of all age groups, you ll find useable strategies for establishing classroom routines, gaining respect, making lessons engaging and creating a positive classroom environment as well as in-depth instruction on what Rob considers to be the number one secret to effective behaviour management .

Classroom Management Success
- In 7 Days Or Less.
The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers. (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource Book 1)
Teaching is made easier when you have a fast-acting classroom management system that works. Rob Plevin believes any teacher can dramatically reduce classroom behaviour problems and achieve classroom management success by adopting this easy-to-follow 6-part plan adapted from his Needs-Focused approach to teaching & classroom management. Enhanced with a suite of additional downloadable resources & videos, Transform Your Classroom Management in 7 Days or Less provides teachers with a framework of fundamental preventive techniques and details a stepped process for responding to students who have difficulty following instructions. If you’re a teacher facing hard-to-reach, tough groups of students who talk over you and won’t do as you ask, the ideas in this book will help you put in place a simple system for gaining respect, building positive teacher-student bonds, dealing with incidents and creating a calm, responsive classroom. All in 7 days or less!

Attention-Grabbing Starters & Plenaries for Teachers
- 99 Outrageously Engaging Activities to Increase Student Participation and Make Learning Fun (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource Book 2)
In line with Rob Plevin’s hugely popular "Needs-Focused Classroom Management System" for teachers, this book offers a huge range of ready-to-use activities, resources and ideas to start your lessons with a BANG and end them on a HIGH. Adaptable for any subject area, the ideas and suggestions in this book will enable you to capture students’ interest and attention from the outset, increase engagement and encourage participation among even the most reluctant learners. You’ll learn how to… - hook ALL your students from the moment your lesson begins, - set up exciting reviews to cement learning in a fun, memorable way, - minimise classroom management issues related to boredom and low engagement and turn your lessons into an enjoyable, positive learning experience for all concerned. Once you learn the Needs-Focused Classroom Management System, your classroom, your teaching and your students will be TRANSFORMED. Includes downloadable BONUS material and printable resources

Cooperative and Active Learning Tool Kit
- Outrageously Engaging Activities to Increase Student Participation, Raise Achievement & Have Your Toughest Students Asking ... (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource Book 3)
The Active Learning Tool Kit makes it easier than ever for teachers to implement enjoyable cooperative and active learning methods that boost student engagement, participation and achievement.
In line with Rob Plevin’s hugely popular "Needs-Focused Classroom Management System" for teachers, this book is packed with hundreds of outrageously-engaging active learning strategies, cooperative activities and ready-to-use resources. Adaptable for all subjects and age groups, this teaching resource will enable you to: - provide exciting and interesting activities for working in pairs or small groups, – encourage students to support each other to improve their learning, - meet the needs of different learning styles, - help students learn appropriate skills for both collaborative work and independence, - turn your lessons into an enjoyable, positive learning experience for all concerned.The Active Learning Tool Kit is a practical and accessible guide to implementing active learning in the classroom in a way your students will love. Includes downloadable BONUS material and printable resources.

The Fun Teachers Tool Kit
Hundreds of Ways to Create a Positive Classroom Environment & Make Learning FUN (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource Book 4)
This book is for teachers who are looking for ways to inject fun and laughter into teaching and learning. In line with Rob Plevin’s hugely popular "Needs-Focused Classroom Management System" for teachers, this book is packed with ready-to-use activities, resources and ideas to bring smiles, energy & humour to the classroom. Adaptable for any subject area, the ideas and suggestions in this book will enable you to improve participation, raise motivation levels, improve teacher/student relationships, create a positive learning environment… and maybe even enjoy teaching more than you ever have before! If you’d like a bumper compendium of ideas for making learning fun and enjoyable… this is it. Includes a comprehensive suite of downloadable BONUS material and printable resources.

Connect With Your Students
How to Build Positive Teacher-Student Relationships - The #1 Secret to Effective Classroom Management (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource Book 5)
Teachers with relationships at the core of their practice can go into virtually any classroom, in any school, and succeed with even the most belligerent, difficult students. After all, it doesn’t take a genius to conclude that students will generally behave better and work harder for teachers they know, like and trust. In this resource, you’ll learn some of the best, fast-acting ideas and strategies for building positive relationships with hard-to-reach students and becoming the teacher they respect and value. And when you implement these ideas in your classroom you will see RAPID improvements in the way your students treat you and respond to you. Building positive relationships with your students and creating a warm classroom community is, without doubt, one of the most effective classroom management strategies and teaching tools at your disposal – and this book shows you exactly how to do so in the shortest possible time.

The Classroom Management Tool Kit
Behaviour Solutions for Today's Classrooms.
The ultimate collection of answers to your most frustrating classroom management problems and questions (A Needs Focused Teaching Resource)
The Behaviour Tool Kit is a jargon and waffle-free collection of proven positive classroom management solutions you can use to deal with all manner of frustrating and tiresome classroom behaviour problems… from abusive language to fist fights… and everything in between. Packed with nothing but practical and accessible step-by-step responses, scripts and solutions, this book is a must for every teacher in today’s toughest classrooms.
This is a book that will empower teachers by giving them the classroom management tools and confidence to tackle a wide range of student behaviour issues at the classroom level. The strategies offered are realistic and effective and they can be used immediately.

Motivate The Unmotivated
A step-by-step system you can use to raise motivation in your classroom tomorrow
Have you noticed that the traditional methods for motivating students rarely seem to work?
Stickers, merit marks, reward charts, praise assemblies, certificates etc. are used in almost every school all over the world and yet most teachers struggle to get reluctant students involved in lessons. Punishments are even less effective – despite giving threats and dishing out detention after detention these students still don’t seem to care.
If you want to get more of your students engaged and taking part in lessons, it’s time to forget trying to control them and instead create a situation where they are naturally motivated, from WITHIN.
Is that really possible? Yes! And it’s super-easy when you use the step-by-step plan laid out in Rob Plevin’s Motivate the Unmotivated.