Try this brilliant praise method to create instant improvement in student behaviour

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2024

This method relies on the power of the ‘ripple effect’ where the positive attention is given to individual students and then spreads or ripples around the room. Other students get the message that if they behave in a similar way, they too will be able to enjoy positive feelings and praise.

 We call it ‘Windscreen Wiper Praise’.

 You’ll see why in a moment…

Let’s say you have a student – Jonny – and he is off task in your lesson and not working as he should be.

 By praising two other students sitting either side of him, Kyle and Kieran, we harness the power of Proximity Praise.

 If Kyle and Kieran are Jonny’s friends it will make this even more effective but it works well regardless.

 Here’s how the conversation might go..

‘Hey Kieran, you’ve got it, well done! Brilliant effort, it’s great to see you working so hard.’
‘Let’s have a look at yours Kyle…. Wow, you’ve really been trying to improve haven’t you? You’re showing real grit to keep trying hard like this, well done.

A moment later…
Thank you for putting that in the bin Kyle. By the way, I hear you did really well on the football field last night. Great stuff.

 Nice one Kieran. I like what you’ve done there. I’m really pleased with you two, you’re working very, very well.

 The process is repeated several times.

 Do you see how this works and where the name  ‘Windscreen Wiper Praise’ comes from?

 The idea is that because of the teacher continually engaging with Kyle and Kieron in a positive, encouraging manner, Jonny’s head will be going from side to side wondering what his two neighbours have done to deserve all this positive attention. It’s likely he’ll want some too.

 This is just one of THOUSANDS of novel, creative ways to win the hearts of tough students and improve classroom management contained in the best-selling book Take Control of the Noisy Class.

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