The Top 4 Reasons Why Your Students Are Unmotivated & Disengaged

engagement Jan 29, 2020

You might feel like you have tried everything to motivate disinterested students in your class and get them engaged in lessons, but have you thought about why they are currently lacking the drive to become actively involved? 

I have listed below four possible reasons why your students might be reluctant to participate. This list isn’t exhaustive but these particular de-motivators...

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Six ways to get students to follow instructions

Issuing clear instructions is about ensuring that we communicate the right message to our students in the right way, so as to minimise confusion and confrontation and to maximise the chances of us getting the behaviour we want. Miscommunication can often lead to confusion, confrontation and arguments - particularly with strong-willed youngsters, so it pays to get this right if you want a...

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How to create a community in the classroom

communication engagement Jun 29, 2019

Students are most motivated when they feel they are part of a community in which they feel accepted and in which individuality is encouraged. By definition a community is a group of people who work with one another building a sense of trust, care, and support – kind of like a family. This means that in our classrooms, part of our job is to provide opportunities and structures by which...

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Five ways to make praise and encouragement more effective

achievement engagement Jun 23, 2019
Here are some ways of improving praise so that it creates the kind of positive changes you want to see in your challenging students.
  1. Make praise descriptive and specific

Real praise – the kind that actually makes a difference – comes from genuinely noticing when someone puts effort into something or has managed to complete something they wouldn’t normally manage to do and...

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5 Techniques for Learning Student Names Quickly!

Want a way to connect with your students? Then what better way than learning the names of your new students as quickly as possible. Here are 5 tips to help you achieve just that…

1. Name Chain

Ask each student in turn to share his/her name and the names of people who have already introduced themselves. E.g. Person 1 says their name, person 2 then gives the first person’s name as...

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