
Uncategorized Apr 16, 2022

I wanted to send a message out today with news about our various available products…

But I can’t.

I have been following what happened in Ukraine for the past few weeks and while this isn't a forum for me to share any kind of political views I do want to say a few words on this. I'm finding it tough to keep going business as usual when people are facing such violence.

Yesterday I...

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The 3 Minute Conversation to Change the Behaviour of Your Toughest Students

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2022

When I was training to be a teacher I worked for a short time at quite a rough comprehensive school in the south of England. 

One of my classes was a year 9 science group and one of the students - we’ll call him Sean - ambled into our first scheduled lesson late, as predicted by my mentor, the usual class teacher.

Sean looked very intrigued by the student teacher standing awkwardly...

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One Word to Guarantee Student Engagement

student engagement Mar 29, 2022

Would you like to know a guaranteed method for raising engagement in your lessons?

It can be summed up literally in just one single word and yet it holds the key to instant participation. 

Every student responds to this without exception. 

With this in place you can have your entire class, even those students who are usually totally disinterested, literally begging...

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5 Novel Ways to Get Attention from Noisy Students

classroom management Mar 23, 2022

A few years ago I wrote a short blog post (on my old website) covering novel ways to get attention from a noisy group of students - you know the kids that just won't stop talking no matter what you do.

Why? Well simply because this would seem to be one of the most frustrating problems teachers face. I get emails about it every day.

Anyway, that post quickly became the most popular on my entire...

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A Six-Step Plan For Dealing With Low-Level Disruption

Having an effective strategy for dealing with low-level disruptions is KEY to successful Classroom Management for any teacher. This sort of disruption can be like water torture to the teacher, that incessant symphony of pencil tapping, silly noises, poking, bogey-flicking, giggling, inappropriate flatulence, paper-passing, ruler-slapping, desk shoving, hair-pulling, and general fidgeting.


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The Top 4 Reasons Why Your Students Are Unmotivated & Disengaged

engagement Jan 29, 2020

You might feel like you have tried everything to motivate disinterested students in your class and get them engaged in lessons, but have you thought about why they are currently lacking the drive to become actively involved? 

I have listed below four possible reasons why your students might be reluctant to participate. This list isn’t exhaustive but these particular de-motivators...

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Classroom Management Strategies To Manage Arguments And Serious Incidents

Arguments and serious incidents are issues regularly faced by teachers, particularly in our most challenging classrooms. Having a range of reliable classroom management strategies to deal with these incidents is imperative to ensure minimal disruption, and safety.

Here are nine quick ways to de-escalate arguments and serious incidents.

Strategy 1: Avoid asking ‘Why?’. 


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Ten Classroom Management Strategies For Dealing With Angry And Defiant Students

Here are my top ten classroom management strategies for dealing with angry, defiant students.

Strategy 1: Remain detached and calm.

Defiant behaviour is often a cry for help or an attempt to cover a fear of failure. Nobody wants to look stupid in front of others (except those in the audition stages of the X-Factor) and arguing against authority can be an effective distraction and a way of...

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Classroom Management Strategy: How To Effectively Manage Mobile Phones In The Classroom

classroom management Jan 03, 2020

Classroom management strategies and school policies regarding mobile phones vary from setting to setting, so the way you address this problem will depend on the school/college’s overall viewpoint. If the establishment you’re working in has a definite rule and consequences in place regarding students and the use of phones, you can treat this as any usual behaviour problem and...

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Six ways to get students to follow instructions

Issuing clear instructions is about ensuring that we communicate the right message to our students in the right way, so as to minimise confusion and confrontation and to maximise the chances of us getting the behaviour we want. Miscommunication can often lead to confusion, confrontation and arguments - particularly with strong-willed youngsters, so it pays to get this right if you want a...

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